The World’s Best No-Bake Chocolate Cake

Tasted this AMAZING chocolate cake at a party, and had to get the recipe. This is the rough translation from the Dutch original. A better translation is coming:

No-Bake Chocolate Truffle Cake

600g good, bitter chocolate
6 dl whipping cream
3 tbsp fine white sugar
1 ‘borrelglas’ of cognac or amaretto
1 package bastogne cookies
150g butter
cocoa powder

Cover the bottom of a 27cm springform pan with baking paper.

Whiz up the cookies in a food processor. Melt the butter and mix the two together. Sprinkle this over the bottom of the pan. Press flat and put in the freezer.

Whip the cream and sugar together until stiff.

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt slowly in a double boiler or the microwave.

Put the melted chocolate (not too hot!) in with the whipped cream, in one go, with the mixer still running. Add the liquor and keep beating until everything is mixed together.

Put in the pan and then put it in the freezer overnight. When it’s ready to serve, take it out and dust with cocoa powder.