71km Marckolsheim to Sausheim-Mulhouse

An unusually warm streak of weather meant it was much easier to get out of our sleeping bags this morning, so we were on the road by 8am. We continued our journey through Alsace, although not through the Vosges mountains, which remained some way to our right, always in the distance. Instead, the part we travelled through is the `prarie` region of Alsace, very flat, and largely agricultural. Around an hour into our journey we stopped at a memorial to the Maginot Line, a defensive boundary along the Rhine which was meant to protect France from German invasion but failed because the Germans just went around it and invaded from the north. Shortly afterwards, Friedel passed the 3000km mark on her odometer and we celebrated with chocolate – our fuel that gets us through most days. We are now having slightly better luck with campsites, having found another one open just outside Mulhouse. We`ll see if that luck holds as we move south. Our latest estimate is that it will take us 11 more days to get to our farmstay in the Ardeche.