Scrubr & Trekr Winners!

ScrubrEarlier this week, we reviewed the Scrubr dishcloth, and held a contest to win one of 2 Scrubr dishcloths as well as a Trekr facecloth.

We’ve drawn some names using and the winners are….


Tine Vanhee Tine and Wim are leaving their home in Belgium in July for a 1-year bicycle trip. They’ve already done quite a lot of bike touring, and you can see some photos on their Moving Around website.

Vicky G. (aka Peli) – Vicky is one half of the Woolly Pigs bicycle touring duo. They’re currently bike touring in Denmark.


Seth – Here’s someone with an amazing adventure planned: “I’m starting a two year tour of mexico using only unpaved roads on a very small budget. No eating at restaurants for me! This would make cleanup bearable!!”  Seth has already named his bicycle for the trip. It’s called Passepartout.

Good luck, Seth! We’re sending a Trekr your way.