125km New Glasgow, PEI – Sackville

Getting a early start to the day we headed back to the catch the trail, stopping at a local bakery for some snacks and a quick coffee. Once on the trail we started to make good time, stopping and meeting a trail warden, who we interviewed.

After finnally getting back to Borden, and across the bridge, which cost 8$ to cross with a bike each. Having left my helmet on the shuttle, we needed to wait for the return shuttle. This did delay our leaving, Cape Jourimain.

Having not totally enjoyed the trip to the Bridge, on the outward leg, we decided to take a different return route back. Up to Shemogue on the coastal route, then headed on the back roads to Sackville via Midgic. We rolled up, as it was just getting dark. A very long day; and the furthest day we’ve done to this point.