A very windy 59km

The saying “be careful what you wish for” seemed appropriate today, since we spent the entire day before wishing for the rain to stop and in its place we got a day full of wind. The strong breezes started rattling our tent in the early dawn and after just a couple hours on the road we’d lost count of how many times we were swept from one side of the pavement to the other, unable to hold our ground as they pushed us from right to left.

We quickly went through our stash of nuts and chocolate as we tried to keep up our energy levels. Occasionally the road would turn a corner and we’d catch a tail wind, which doubled our speed instantly, if only for a few seconds at a time. Most of the time we were frustrated and really did not make the most of the beautiful groups of palm trees alongside the road and the rugged mountains we reached in the afternoon. It was a big relief to finally reach a campsite in the late afternoon, where we collapsed into our tent exhausted.