28km Oulad Salmane to Safi

Goats grazing outside SafiThe sun started shining into our tent about 7am, waking us up, but our camping spot just by the sea was quite cold, only 5°C as we got up to make the coffee. Kristian has a little thermometer with him, and this was the coldest morning in quite a while. Normally the nights are closer to 10°C or even 15°C. After packing up the tent and bikes we carried on alone, while Kristian stayed to fish at a perfect spot he’d found on some nearby cliffs. We had a fairly easy ride into Safi, the only ugly patch being the many phosphorus factories just outside the city. They were puffing out smoke and the pollution made it hard to breathe and our eyes burned. We later went to visit friends in Safi, who told us there are many illnesses here as a result of the dirty chemical plants.