Stuck in bed in Safi

The design took about an hour to drawIt is on both sides of the handsWell, the sun is shining and it’s a perfect day for cycling but we are staying put because Andrew is not feeling well. We have actually been very lucky so far on this trip, with only a couple days where we didn’t want to be on the bikes, and each time we were with friends or in a hotel, much better than feeling sick in a tent! So, instead of tales from the road we have pictures of Friedel’s hands, which were covered in henna by a friend in Safi. We got to know Naima in Zagora when she worked with Brahim on his desert treks. She taught Friedel much about Moroccan cooking (including how to make this Tagine Kefta) and we had a lot of good times in the kitchen in Zagora. Since then, Naima had a stroke and now lives in Safi with her family. Although she is now blind and partially paralysed, she is still the same cheerful spirit we love and it was wonderful to visit with her and to meet her family.