70km Kisfalud to Budapest

Andrew resting at Biker CampWe had a peaceful night’s sleep in the middle of nowhere – just sunflower and wheat fields around us – so we were ready for the run into Hungary’s capital city of Budapest. The ride started out quietly but the traffic soon built until we were cycling on a busy main road with trucks and cars flying by. Once again, signs said we actually weren’t allowed on the road with our bicycles but a cycle path didn’t appear until we were quite near the city centre. We just put our heads down and got on with the task of reaching our destination, which this time was Biker Camp, a campsite for motorbikers and cyclists just on the edge of Budapest. From the name, we half expected a place full of noise and beer drinking but instead we found a tranquil garden with just a few other tents to keep us company. It’s the kind of place where everyone knows your name (cue the Cheers theme tune here). Quite a smart idea for a family in Budapest to turn their large backyard into a campsite in the summer season… perhaps a possibility for us when we have to work again! We were quite tired after reaching Budapest – we covered the whole distance before noon so we were really flying – and starting to show the strain a bit. It’s easy to tell when we are tired because we are less patient with each other and get frustrated quickly, although we always know this is related to being worn out. Really we should have had a nap but instead we decided to make a trip into the city to orient ourselves. We thought it looked a bit dingy at first glance as we biked to the tourist bureau, but then again we didn’t really see any of the main sights so we’ll save that adventure, and our judgement, for tomorrow.