BikeTrippin: New Blogging Site For Cyclists

Screenshot-3If you’re looking for an easy way to share journals and photos from your bike tour, check out BikeTrippin.

It’s a new website where you can get a free account to instantly start uploading journals, photos and maps from your bike tours.

The idea is similar to CrazyGuyOnABike, but BikeTrippin have added a few more handy functions, while still keeping it easy to understand and use.

We played around a bit and enjoyed being able to:


  • View a slideshow of all the photos in a journal
  • Easily add a route map, by clicking on the GoogleMaps interface (you can also note points of interest along the way)
  • Connect a journal to a Twitter account, so Tweets show alongside diary entries

The people developing BikeTrippin – Aimee and Kismat – hope to also make it possible to upload GPS tracks of a route.

BikeTrippin is brand new, so there aren’t many bike tours on it yet, but it’s worth checking out. And send them your suggestions too! From the emails we’ve exchanged with Aimee and Kismat, they’re both very open to ideas for future developments.