Ride With Larry

Get the tissues out. This cycling film is going to make you all teary-eyed.

Ride With Larry

We’ve just found out about Ride With Larry.

It’s a project to raise funding for a documentary film about a man with Parkinson’s disease and his dream of biking across the state of South Dakota this spring.

Why a bicycle? As Larry says: “I don’t have Parkinson’s when I’m on my bike.” Apparently even advanced Parkinson’s patients can cycle with ease. The bike gives Larry independence and makes him feel good.

What does this all have to do with you? Well, we find Larry’s attitude incredibly inspiring for all of us thinking about but not yet doing a bicycle tour – possibly because we’re not sure if can we do it.

“I don’t believe in setting artificial limits to myself because I’ll be telling myself what I can’t do,” says Larry at one point in the film. “I’m not going to walk away from life.”

Inspiring words indeed, and a good reminder to live life to the fullest.