Cycling Kazakhstan

Local kids playing the foolKazakhstan is one of the least visited countries in Central Asia, often losing out to its trendier neighbours Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

If you’re brave enough to go against the flow, some stunning cycling awaits set against mountain vistas along Kazakhstan’s southern and eastern fringe.

Cruise through canyons, camp by alpine lakes and then turn to the cities where you can rest up over a pint of the local beer in bustling cafes and explore pleasant markets and parks.

The one thing you’ll want to reckon with when planning your trip to Kazakhstan is its size. It’s the ninth largest country in the world and you’ll be hard pressed to cycle all of it during the typical 30-day visa allowance. In any case, much of the country is made up of steppe or desert land so it’s better to pick and choose the best bits, throwing your bike on a bus or train between highlights.

So gorgeousKazakhstan’s top sights are predominantely in rural areas and the population of only about 15 million people is spread thinly over the huge surface area so camping is likely to form the bulk of your cycling trip here. The more self-sufficient you can be in Kazakhstan the better your chances to enjoy its nature and keep your budget under control at the same time.

More about cycling in Kazakhstan…

Routes to cycle…

See also…

  • Toko op Fietsvakantie: GPS tracks for southern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyztan, plus photos and tips (in Dutch)