Planning For A Bike Tour

Riding past rich, green Frysian fieldsThere’s a lot to think about before you head out on your bike tour.

Planning a route is quite fun, but how should you do it?

And then there are things like money to think about (how will you manage it while travelling?), travel insurance to consider (bike tourists need something a little special) and beginner’s mistakes to avoid.

We cover all of these pre-trip issues in this planning section for bike tourists.

Bike Touring Mistakes To Avoid

Think back. Think waaaaaay back, to the day you first tried to ride a bike. Remember that? Think about how hard it was to stay upright, trying time and time again to find your balance until finally, hours or even days later, someone finally let go and you wobbled off into the world. Bike touring […] Read More »

Making Friends On Tour Through Online Clubs

When our epic adventure began, one of our big concerns was missing our friends. What we didn’t realise was how many new friends we would make on the road, largely thanks to three websites which match travellers with potential hosts. You can connect with people in a variety of ways. Sometimes it’s a short meeting […] Read More »

Packing A Bicycle In A Cardboard Box For Flying

It’s crucial to pack your bike well for a flight. How best to do that is a source of great debate among cyclists. There are 3 basic options: Clear plastic bag. Simple and quick but arguably not the most protective and not accepted by all airlines. (See our experience flying a bike in a plastic bag) […] Read More »

Preparing For A Big Bike Tour

“How did you do it?” must be the most commonly asked question about our bike tour. When you’re firmly entrenched in the routine of working life, it’s hard to see a way to give it all up for a life on the road. Yet, once you’ve quit your job, sold your house and started pedaling […] Read More »

Photos as Contact Cards

It’s always nice to trade details with friends you meet on the road but writing out your email address time and time again gets tiring after a while. You could get business cards printed at a local copy shop or do them yourself at home but who wants to carry hundreds on a long trip? […] Read More »

Route Planning Tips For Your Bike Tour

Planning a bicycle tour can be both daunting and exciting. There’s nothing we like better than to stare at a world map, imagining the adventures and landscapes that lie ahead. But as much fun as it is to dream, marking out a route can also be hard work. How do you choose where to go […] Read More »

Make Money While Travelling: Stock Photography

In this article – the first in a series about making money while travelling – we look at stock photography. We’re not professional photographers but we still manage to make some “beer money” from our images. It’s a hobby that’s easily combined with bike touring and a good way to improve your photo skills at […] Read More »

Managing Your Money On A Bike Tour

When you’re planning a bike tour, figuring out how to manage your money on the road doesn’t compare favorably with the excitement of researching routes or buying a new bike. Still, ensuring you have the best banking arrangement possible in place and being prepared for the financial challenges you might face down the road, is […] Read More »

3 Ways To Keep In Touch On A Bike Tour (Plus One)

It’s not always easy to keep in touch on a bike tour. Cyclists tend to seek out quieter roads and that means you’re not always close to a strong mobile phone signal or a nice cafe with free wireless internet. Here are 3 options to keep you connected. Read More »

How To Stay Organized On A Bike Tour

I’m far from the world’s most organized person, but being on a bike tour brings out something slightly obsessive in me about ‘everything in its place’. Panniers are, after all, a bit of a black hole. Once something falls down to the bottom, you never find it again. And who really enjoys opening up a […] Read More »

Tips For Packing Bicycle Panniers

Packing your bike panniers can be confusing, especially when you do it for the first time. Once on the road, you’ll quickly discover what works for you but until then, here are some tips to put you on the right track. We used Ortlieb Panniers but the tips here should apply to just about any […] Read More »

Insurance for Bicycle Tours

Getting insurance to cover your bicycle tour isn’t as straightforward as buying normal travel insurance. Not all travel insurance policies cover bicycle touring and those that do often only cover shorter trips or journeys close to home. But we can recommend 2 companies that stand out from the crowd. Read More »

Bike Touring With A Baby

More and more families are heading out on bicycle tours, but what is it like to travel by bike with a baby? Some people will tell you it’s impossible or, at the very least, impractical but we’ve found a few parents that prove travel with young kids is more than just feasible. It can be […] Read More »

Bike Touring With A Baby: In Detail

Want detailed answers to questions about bike touring with babies? You’ll find the experiences of 3 families on this page. Read More »

Saving The Tax: More Bike Touring Gear For Your Money

Planning a bike tour in Europe? Hold off on buying a bike and all the gear until you get here. You could save hundreds of dollars by claiming back the sales tax, for a savings of up to 25% on all your bicycle touring equipment. Read More »

Where To Sleep On A Bike Tour

Hostels are the mainstay of backpackers. Travellers with more cash to spend will splurge on hotels. Where does a bike tourist go? Just about anywhere, in our experience. We’ve spent nights in fields, behind schools, in mosques and monasteries, on the floor of a Turkish factory, under the disco ball of a Greek bar, in […] Read More »

Picking A Destination For Your Bike Tour

Unless you are trying to escape winter, you don’t have to pick a far-flung destination for your bike tour. Fun and interesting adventures can be found close to home. Here are some tips for picking a bike touring destination. Read More »

Getting Visas For Different Countries On A Bike Tour

Visas are a necessary evil. You can’t go too far from home without needing at least a few of these official documents in your passport, but getting visas can be stupidly complicated. How easy or hard it is to get your visa depends on a number of factors. Read More »