Recipe: Chorizo & Spinach Pasta

Ah, pasta. Where would a bike tourist be without it? And yet, we can eat it so often after a long day of cycling that pasta quickly gets boring.

The good news is that it’s easy to dress pasta up with many different ingredients. Chorizo & Spinach Pasta is one of our favourite recipes for on-the-road mealtimes.

Pasta with Cabbage and Chorizo

Here’s our ingredient list. Serves 2 hungry cyclists.


250g pasta
125g chorizo, sliced (or any other meat you fancy: bacon, ground beef…)
1 onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
250g kale, spinach or cavolo nero cabbage
3 tsp spices (we use a mix of paprika, dried hot chiles and basil)
oil or butter for frying
250ml chopped tomatoes
200ml cream (optional)

Keep reading the recipe for Pasta With Chorizo & Spinach